We shall take our reading from Genesis 1:26 where the Bible says, “Then God said, [25†]“Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; [26†]let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” This passage is telling us that God gave humans a special power and privilege to rule over all the creatures on the earth. He also gave them the responsibility to care for the earth and its creatures.
We therefore have God-given authority in life over all the powers of the enemy. The New Testament reveals a lot about the devil and demons. Such knowledge wouldn’t have helped the Old Testament believers because they did not have the authority to deal with devils. We have more authority than Adam because they only had authority over the earth not the spiritual world. Authority over the earth until the fall. After the fall, Adam and Eve lost their authority. Jesus restored our authority and gave us power over the enemy. As believers, we now have the authority to stand against the devil and his forces.
A God-given authority comes with a responsibility. We are to exercise that authority and power. Since God expects us to use all the authority he has given us, we cannot blame Him for anything we experience in life. We are responsible for how we use that authority, whether it is to serve, help, or even harm others. God will not intervene and use His power to override our decisions. We must always be accountable for how we use the authority given to us by God.
Some examples of the usage of authority are as follows:
Resist the devil
God expects us to submit to him. That is done by obeying everything he commands us to do. It is only then that we can be in a position to successfully resist the devil. The Bible says, “Therefore submit to God. [8†] Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7). This portion of scripture shows us that we are the ones to resist the devil. If we do not do that, he will continue to harass a believer. Jesus gave us the authority.
Exercising authority over all demonic powers
It is clear from Scripture that Jesus Christ the Lord wanted believers to have and use authority. He did that with his disciples even when he was still on earth. That is recorded in Luke 9:1, “Then [1†]He called His twelve disciples together and [2†]gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases.” (Luke 9:1). He wanted them to have authority over all their enemies, so they could spread his message throughout the world. He also wanted them to have authority over their own lives, so they could live a life of spiritual freedom. Finally, He wanted them to have the authority to heal the sick and spread the good news.
Biblical example of exercising authority
Peter and James at the Gate Beautiful. They took responsibility. This is revealed in Acts 3:6, “Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: [5†]In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” They used the authority given to them, which included healing the sick. By commanding the disease to leave the victim, they released authority. The power of God flowed and healed the beggar. The same authority and power Peter used, we have in our lives.
The above confirms that God indeed gave us authority to use in our lives. This is the authority to change our life circumstances. Furthermore, we have the authority to destroy the works of the devil and demons. This authority is rooted in God’s Word, which gives us the power to speak to the situation we find ourselves in. It also gives us the power to make positive changes in our lives and to take back control from the dark forces of evil. Therefore, take action and exercise the authority you have as a believer.